Hitting the ground running in 2021, Sustainable Frenchtown (SF) has created a concept and proposal for a future grant application for a $20,000 Sustainable Jersey/PSE&G grant.
With the conceptual support of Frenchtown Borough Council and Mayor, and by partnering with Love Frenchtown (FBPA), the Frenchtown United Methodist Church, Maker's Alley, and GoHunterdon, SF is hoping to obtain the needed grant and other funds to make the creation and installation of 4-5 unique pedestrian-scale wayfinding poles in and around downtown Frenchtown possible.
The Wayfinding Pole project is effectively a practical application of our local artistic talent and creativity-centric culture to further keep people out of their cars when visiting and being in Frenchtown.
There are many standardized pedestrian-scale wayfinding poles in towns around New Jersey, however we are proposing creating arts/nature-themed unique poles that will be iconic and locally-authentic while being useful to pedestrians. Our poles will be made from recycled and found art and objects - the epitome of re-use and sustainability.
Stay tuned for more information and updates on this exciting project!